1. Vaativa A 1. narri (VRL-06046) - Hui Hyydyke 2. Zack (VRL-01221) - Hunan Yemn VH16-090-0005 3. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Genevieve 5594 x VH14-034-0064 4. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Hudson Cinnamon Dolce VH15-029-0333 5. Zack (VRL-01221) - Chelan Yemn VH16-266-0004 6. narri (VRL-06046) - Valarna 7. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Powder Pink Honey VH17-202-0027 8. narri (VRL-06046) - Fiktion Vitikaneli 9. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Harlequin Dragonstone VH16-031-0687 10. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Jinxing CENS VH16-031-0717 11. narri (VRL-06046) - Noelin Haihatus 12. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Puolimieli VH15-031-1218 13. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Tadhiel VH17-031-0232 14. Tierra (VRL-02841) - Diantha Jitterbug VH16-031-1021 2. Vaativa A 1. narri (VRL-06046) - Hui Hyydyke 2. narri (VRL-06046) - Valarna 3. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Powder Pink Honey VH17-202-0027 4. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Harlequin Dragonstone VH16-031-0687 5. narri (VRL-06046) - Fiktion Vitikaneli 6. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Puolimieli VH15-031-1218 7. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Tadhiel VH17-031-0232 8. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Hudson Cinnamon Dolce VH15-029-0333 9. Tierra (VRL-02841) - Diantha Jitterbug VH16-031-1021 10. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Genevieve 5594 x VH14-034-0064 11. Zack (VRL-01221) - Chelan Yemn VH16-266-0004 12. Zack (VRL-01221) - Hunan Yemn VH16-090-0005 13. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Jinxing CENS VH16-031-0717 14. narri (VRL-06046) - Noelin Haihatus 3. Intermediate I 1. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Dark Chocolate VH15-029-0285 2. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Hudson Sir Cotton Candy VH15-029-0370 3. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Ramant Echo VH15-031-0621 4. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Foxtrail Aloe VH15-031-1217 4. Intermediate I 1. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Dark Chocolate VH15-029-0285 2. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Hudson Sir Cotton Candy VH15-029-0370 3. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Foxtrail Aloe VH15-031-1217 4. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Ramant Echo VH15-031-0621 5. Intermediate II 1. narri (VRL-06046) - Serpentinas 2. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Casino Royale STC VH16-012-0123 6. Intermediate II 1. narri (VRL-06046) - Serpentinas 2. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Casino Royale STC VH16-012-0123 7. Grand Prix 1. Liia (VRL-11284) - Grand Dreamcatcher VH17-031-0222 2. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Mihail RGE VH16-012-0365 3. Zack (VRL-01221) - Nekhel Yemn VH16-048-0006 4. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Ink Heart VH16-012-0367 5. Liia (VRL-11284) - Mad Croc Murder VH15-031-1304 6. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Zodiac Killer VH16-012-0305 7. Zack (VRL-01221) - Coquille Yemn VH16-090-0012 8. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Buck The Facts! VH17-031-0237 9. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Crowmoor Pretty Please VH16-031-0954 10. Liia (VRL-11284) - Chelmsford Beorn 11. Liia (VRL-11284) - Katinas Thilde VH15-043-0053 8. Grand Prix 1. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Crowmoor Pretty Please VH16-031-0954 2. Liia (VRL-11284) - Grand Dreamcatcher VH17-031-0222 3. Liia (VRL-11284) - Katinas Thilde VH15-043-0053 4. Liia (VRL-11284) - Chelmsford Beorn 5. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Ink Heart VH16-012-0367 6. Zack (VRL-01221) - Coquille Yemn VH16-090-0012 7. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Mihail RGE VH16-012-0365 8. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Zodiac Killer VH16-012-0305 9. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Buck The Facts! VH17-031-0237 10. Liia (VRL-11284) - Mad Croc Murder VH15-031-1304 11. Zack (VRL-01221) - Nekhel Yemn VH16-048-0006 |